10 Funniest Food Names

1. Spotted Dick


This treat comes from England and is pudding with dried fruit. The name originates from the 19th century and it describes the fruit that is dried. Since they are spots and the word “dick” comes from the word dough or thick, they called it “spotted dick”. Pretty great stuff here, guys.


2. Stinking Bishop


This one comes from the cheese family. The wheels made from this cheese smell absolutely awful, like dirty socks. Stinking Bishop pears have juice that the cheese is drenched in. This derives from a farmer that is named Mr. Bishop, hence how the cheese got it’s second half of their name.


3. Headcheese


Surprisingly, this food has nothing to do with cheese. The meat in this food is created from the heads of many animals including pig, calf and cow. This includes the tongue and sometimes the heart. There is no known origin of the name but there are signs it was named after cheese because of the molds used to create this odd food.


4. Bubble and Squeak


This English food is made with holiday leftovers. The name derived from the sound of the food when it hits the hot sizzling pan. These foods are ham, pork, vegetables and sweet potatoes.


5. Bangers and Mash


You may be wondering if this is the newest heavy metal band from Japan, but in fact, it’s a dish containing sausage and mashed potatoes. It’s popular in England where sausages are known as bangers and have been called such since the First World War. It derives from the lack of ingredients to pizzazz it up when there was a shortage because of the war, so they needed things to give the food a ‘bang’ or a ‘pop’.


6. Burgoo


This one comes from America and has nothing to do with burgers. It’s actually a simmered stew made from vegetables and meats. The origins of the name are actually from a variety but could be because of the French word for meat stew, ragout. It’s also said that bulgur is an interpretation of barbecue and is often mispronounced, which leads up to believing that people pronounced “bulgar” as “burgoo” through time and accent changes.


7. Devils on Horseback


This one looks kind of gross and sounds kind of weird. Devils on horseback are prunes stuffed with chutney and then wrapped with delicious bacon. Often, you can find a toothpick through the center to keep it all together. The name was created by the appearance, which seem to be “angels” on horseback.


8. Priest Choker


There are lots of religious related foods in this list, but this one has nothing to do with actually choking priests. (Pretty sure that’s a sin, right?) This is a pasta type salad and it was common in Italy hundreds of years ago where priests would be able to eat this for free. But that wasn’t by choice of the restaurant owners; it was by “law”. Some restaurant owners wished that priests would choke on this food so they wouldn’t have to give it for free before the next part of the course meal that would be more expensive.


9. Limping Susan


No, this wasn’t named after your aunt that tripped over your dog last Christmas during gift opening. This is a southern dish created from black-eyed peas and rice as well as okra instead of peas sometimes. The name for this dish is said to derive from it’s brother dish, the Hoppin’ John which was named after a legendary servant named john.


10. Whoopie Pie


Who doesn’t love these? One of the more common funny treats, whoopee pie is a cake with whipped cream of sorts in the middle.  The name derives from the cheerful, “whoopee!” that the Amish farmers would yell when they found one in their lunch. It’s the smaller things in life that make people happy and now it makes a certain food famous.

Date Modified - 04/02/2024