Bar Louie Full Menu Prices

The Bar Louie menu is a great way to enjoy some quality American food with a delicious cocktail or glass of wine. On this page we will look at a list of Bar Louie menu prices to give you an idea of what you can expect when you drop by your local restaurant.

The Bar Louie menu and prices are listed below. This menu is updated regularly and we try to make sure it is as accurate as possible. So, take a look, work out how much your next visit is gong to cost you, and get those tastebuds tingling.

Bar Louie Specials

Bar Louie Menu Prices

Bar Louie love a good special. There is always something new on the menu, there is always a discount and a great meal and drink to enjoy. Bar Louie specials change from location to location. To see what’s on the menu you have to check with your local. Ask for a specials menu and see what’s available.

As well as offering a selection of new cocktails and seasonable food, these specials are also a great way to bring the Bar Louie menu prices down. As you can see above, the prices are already very reasonable. This is in line with many bars and restaurants like TGI Fridays and Ruby Tuesday, if not slightly more expensive.

You can also get Bar Louie coupons that can give you even more of a discount. These often needed to be used during happy hour, but there are also special offers for certain seasons and holidays. If it’s a good time for a drink, then it’s a good time to find some Bar Louie coupons.

Bar Louie Favorites

Bar Louie Menu

As you can see above, the Bar Louie menu is not just about drinks. They also serve a selection of snacks, appetizers and more. Some of our favorites include:

  • California Club Chicken Sandwich: This is a thick, delicious club that comes packed to the brim with roasted chicken, healthy, hearty chunks of avocados and pepper-jack cheese, all packed into multi-grain bread. It’s a combination of healthy and artery clogging–just what we love.
  • Pulled Pork Sandwich: This is a classic that belongs in every nightclub. As far as we’re concerned, it should be mandatory. And no one does it better than Bar Louie. The pork is smoked and stuffed into a sweet brioche bun. But not before they add some relish and several strings of crisp, fried onions.
  • Grilled Mac & Cheese Sandwich: This Bar Louie menu item is a combination of two of America’s favorite snacks: Mac n Cheese and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich. It is everything you’re picturing it as and so much more. This is not just a reinvention of the grilled cheese sandwich, it’s how every grilled cheese sandwich (and indeed every mac n cheese) should be served henceforth.

Bar Louie Happy Hour

If you want to save even more on the Bar Louie menu prices above, then make sure you drop by during happy hour. You can learn more about this on our Bar Louie Happy Hour page.

Most restaurant and bars have happy hour in some form. You can find such specials everywhere from Dave and Busters to Chipotle and more. What they define as happy hour is varied, but with bars like this it’s all about cheap drinks and great snacks.

And if you have some Bar Louie coupons saved up, and you wait for certain food holidays like National Wine Day or National Beer Day, then “happy hour” becomes “happy night” as you turn small discounts into huge savings.

Date Modified - 03/10/2024