French Meadow Bakery Nutrition Info

Looking for the nutrition facts for everything on the French Meadow Bakery menu? We have the serving size, calories, fat, protein and carbs for just about every item that French Meadow Bakery offers.

To start, we’ve sorted their food offers into categories: Bagels, Bread, Brownies, Chicken, Cookies, Cupcakes, Curries, Raisin Bread and Tortillas.

Is there a menu item from French Meadow Bakery that we’re missing, or you’d like to see? Let us know!


Expand Bagels Description

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels (250 calories), Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (250 calories) and Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (270 calories).

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Hemp Bagels (280 calories), 100% Spelt Bagels (270 calories) and Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (270 calories).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (1 g), 100% Spelt Bagels (1 g) and Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (1 g).

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Hemp Bagels (8 g), Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels (2 g) and Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (1 g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Hemp Bagels (35 g), Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels (42 g) and Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (48 g).

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are 100% Spelt Bagels (52 g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (50 g) and Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (48 g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are 100% Spelt Bagels (11 g), Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 (13 g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels (14 g).

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Hemp Bagels (19 g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (15 g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels (14 g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are 100% Spelt Bagels ( g), Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 ( g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Hemp Bagels ( g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels ( g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are 100% Spelt Bagels ( mg), Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 ( mg) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( mg).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Hemp Bagels ( mg), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels ( mg) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( mg).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are 100% Spelt Bagels ( g), Sprouted Bagels with Grains as Referenced in Ezekiel 4:9 ( g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( g).

Bagels With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Bagels on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Hemp Bagels ( g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels ( g) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bagels ( g).


Expand Bread Description

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds (100 calories), Sprouted Grain Bread (100 calories) and Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bread (110 calories).

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Hemp Bread (200 calories), Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bread (190 calories) and Healthseed Spelt Bread (190 calories).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are 100% Rye Bread with Flax Seeds (1 g), 100% Spelt Bread (1 g) and 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds (1 g).

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Hemp Bread (5 g), Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread (4 g) and Healthseed Spelt Bread (4 g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Sprouted 16 Grain and Seed Bread (17 g), Sprouted Grain Bread (18 g) and 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds (22 g).

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are 100% Spelt Bread (33 g), Healthseed Spelt Bread (32 g) and Flax & Sunflower Seed Bread (30 g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are 100% Rye Bread with Flax Seeds (2 g), 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds (2 g) and Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread (4 g).

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bread (14 g), Hemp Bread (13 g) and Flax & Sunflower Seed Bread (9 g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are 100% Rye Bread with Flax Seeds ( g), 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds ( g) and Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread ( g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bread ( g), Hemp Bread ( g) and Flax & Sunflower Seed Bread ( g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are 100% Rye Bread with Flax Seeds ( mg), 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds ( mg) and Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread ( mg).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bread ( mg), Hemp Bread ( mg) and Flax & Sunflower Seed Bread ( mg).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are 100% Rye Bread with Flax Seeds ( g), 100% Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds ( g) and Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread ( g).

Bread With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bread ( g), Hemp Bread ( g) and Flax & Sunflower Seed Bread ( g).


Expand Brownies Description

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (170 calories), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (170 calories) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (360 calories).

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (360 calories), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (170 calories) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (170 calories).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (7 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (8 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (15 g).

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (15 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (8 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (7 g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (24 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (26 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (52 g).

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (52 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (26 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (24 g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (1 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (2 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (4 g).

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) (4 g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites (2 g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) (1 g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( mg), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( mg) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( mg).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( mg), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( mg) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( mg).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( g).

Brownies With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Brownies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (80g) ( g), Gluten-Free Fudge Brownie Bites ( g) and Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies (38g) ( g).


Expand Chicken Description

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout (270 calories), Fragrant Chicken Curry (280 calories) and Orange Mango Chicken (310 calories).

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Garlic Ginger Chicken (310 calories), Orange Mango Chicken (310 calories) and Fragrant Chicken Curry (280 calories).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Garlic Ginger Chicken (4 g), Fragrant Chicken Curry (4 g) and Orange Mango Chicken (5 g).

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout (5 g), Orange Mango Chicken (5 g) and Fragrant Chicken Curry (4 g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout (32 g), Fragrant Chicken Curry (36 g) and Garlic Ginger Chicken (42 g).

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Orange Mango Chicken (45 g), Garlic Ginger Chicken (42 g) and Fragrant Chicken Curry (36 g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Orange Mango Chicken (22 g), Fragrant Chicken Curry (23 g) and Garlic Ginger Chicken (24 g).

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout (26 g), Garlic Ginger Chicken (24 g) and Fragrant Chicken Curry (23 g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Orange Mango Chicken ( g), Fragrant Chicken Curry ( g) and Garlic Ginger Chicken ( g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout ( g), Garlic Ginger Chicken ( g) and Fragrant Chicken Curry ( g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Orange Mango Chicken ( mg), Fragrant Chicken Curry ( mg) and Garlic Ginger Chicken ( mg).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout ( mg), Garlic Ginger Chicken ( mg) and Fragrant Chicken Curry ( mg).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Orange Mango Chicken ( g), Fragrant Chicken Curry ( g) and Garlic Ginger Chicken ( g).

Chicken With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Chicken on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Roasted Chicken & Lentil Ragout ( g), Garlic Ginger Chicken ( g) and Fragrant Chicken Curry ( g).


Expand Cookies Description

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (150 calories), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (190 calories) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (320 calories).

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (320 calories), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (190 calories) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (150 calories).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (8 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (10 g) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (16 g).

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (16 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (10 g) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (8 g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (17 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (26 g) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (43 g).

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (43 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (26 g) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (17 g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (1 g) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (2 g).

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons (2 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (1 g) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( g) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( g) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( mg), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( mg) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( mg).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( mg), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( mg) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( mg).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( g) and All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( g).

Cookies With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Cookies on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are All Natural Coconutty Macaroons ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ( g) and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies ( g).


Expand Cupcakes Description

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (220 calories), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (230 calories).

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (230 calories), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (220 calories).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (8 g), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (9 g).

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (9 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (8 g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (35 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (35 g).

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (35 g), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (35 g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (2 g), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (2 g).

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes (2 g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes (2 g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( g), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( mg), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( mg).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( mg), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( mg).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( g), Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( g).

Cupcakes With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Cupcakes on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Gluten-Free Yellow Cupcakes ( g), Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes ( g).


Expand Curries Description

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (370 calories).

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (370 calories).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (19 g).

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (19 g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (39 g).

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (39 g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (8 g).

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Vegetarian Dal Makhani (8 g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( mg).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( mg).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( g).

Curries With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Curries on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Vegetarian Dal Makhani ( g).

Raisin Bread

Expand Raisin Bread Description

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (100 calories), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (150 calories).

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (150 calories), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (100 calories).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (5 g).

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (5 g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (21 g), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (22 g).

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (22 g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (21 g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (2 g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (6 g).

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (6 g), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread (2 g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( mg), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( mg).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( mg), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( mg).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g), Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g).

Raisin Bread With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Raisin Bread on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g), Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread ( g).


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Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Calories on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of calories are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch (80 calories), Hemp Tortillas (90 calories) and Gluten-Free Tortillas (120 calories).

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of calories are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch (200 calories), Sprouted Grain Tortillas (150 calories) and Gluten-Free Tortillas (120 calories).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Total Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of total fat are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch (1 g), Gluten-Free Tortillas (1 g) and Hemp Tortillas (2 g).

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of total fat are Hemp Tortillas (2 g), Gluten-Free Tortillas (1 g) and Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch (1 g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Carbs on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of carbs are Hemp Tortillas (12 g), Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch (14 g) and Gluten-Free Tortillas (24 g).

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of carbs are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch (35 g), Sprouted Grain Tortillas (27 g) and Gluten-Free Tortillas (24 g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Protein on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of protein are Gluten-Free Tortillas (1 g), Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch (4 g) and Hemp Tortillas (5 g).

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of protein are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch (11 g), Sprouted Grain Tortillas (9 g) and Hemp Tortillas (5 g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Saturated Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of saturated fat are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of saturated fat are Gluten-Free Tortillas ( g), Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch ( g) and Hemp Tortillas ( g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Trans Fat on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of trans fat are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of trans fat are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch ( g), Sprouted Grain Tortillas ( g) and Hemp Tortillas ( g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Cholesterol on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of cholesterol are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of cholesterol are Gluten-Free Tortillas ( mg), Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch ( mg) and Hemp Tortillas ( mg).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Sodium on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sodium are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sodium are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch ( mg), Sprouted Grain Tortillas ( mg) and Hemp Tortillas ( mg).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Fiber on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of fiber are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of fiber are Gluten-Free Tortillas ( g), Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 6 Inch ( g) and Hemp Tortillas ( g).

Tortillas With the Highest and Lowest Sugar on the French Meadow Bakery Menu

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the lowest amount of sugar are .

The Tortillas on the French Meadow Bakery menu with the highest amount of sugar are Fat Flush Plan Sprouted 100% Flourless Tortillas – 10 Inch ( g), Sprouted Grain Tortillas ( g) and Hemp Tortillas ( g).

Entire List of French Meadow Bakery Menu Items Nutritional Info


Date Modified - 12/17/2024