Four Simple Foods that Make Life Worth Living (and why they’re good for you)

Food is a necessity, but it’s also something that we get a great amount of pleasure from. It comforts, it excites. It’s like a drug, one that the entire world is addicted to.

Modern life is stressful. We have to worry about money, jobs and families. We’re constantly fretting over the ominous threat of computer hacking taking over our bank accounts and identities, of the pharmaceutical industry injuring or maiming us in the name of profit, and nuclear war destroying us all. In the midst of all this chaos, it’s nice to have small comforts to turn to that are cheap, readily available and okay to enjoy every single day.


Coffee is either the most popular or second most popular drink in the world (it really depends on who you ask). It’s often seen as a vice due to the fact that it’s loaded with caffeine and can lead to addiction and withdrawals. But coffee may actually be very good for you.

If you use the right coffee and brewing methods as you see here then you extract all of the good (antioxidants) and very little of the bad (cholesterol). There is caffeine in every sip, of course, but it’s one of the few stimulants that is unlikely to cause harm in moderate doses, even if it’s consumed every day for many years.

In fact, regular consumption of coffee can help to reduce your chances of developing a number of different cancers and can also help you to lose weight and focus better.


Okay, so a burger is not the healthiest food you can eat, but it’s probably not as bad for you as you thought and if it’s consumed moderately then it can form part of a healthy diet. The meat provides you with vitamins and minerals you may not be getting from other foods, including iron and B-12. It is also loaded with protein, creatine and other essential muscle building ingredients.

What’s more, if the burger is cooked fresh and not loaded with artificial ingredients (see Smashburger and the Hardees Natural Burger) it’s not even that fatty and there is very little added sugar.


Fried, scrambled, boiled—however you prepare them, there’s a good chance that you’ve learned to limit your consumption of eggs in order to keep your heart healthy. But we now know that a lot of the things once taught about eggs are untrue. They are loaded with minerals and vitamins, most of which are in the egg yolk, while the egg white has one of the best protein to calorie ratios of any animal product.

There is no proof that eggs raise bad cholesterol, but there are studies that suggest eating 1 or 2 eggs a day could have a drastically positive effect on your overall health.


You can’t beat a slice of wholemeal bread with a thick spread of butter on top. But we all know that butter is bad for us, right?

Well, not quite. Butter is certainly high in calories and saturated fat, but grass-fed butter is also loaded with vitamins and minerals, as well as essential fatty acids. When consumed in moderation it can form part of a very healthy diet.

Butter is also considerably healthier for you than many of the alternatives we have been tricked into eating for decades now. They are loaded with trans fats, hydrogenated fats and other unhealthy ingredients used to turn vegetable oils into vegetable spreads. Just because they are low in calories and just because the carton has pictures of greenery doesn’t mean they are healthy, far from it.

Date Modified - 03/12/2024